TrayEverything is tiny utility that was developed for helping user in managing of windows of active applications on the desktop. It supports a lot of ways for minimizing windows into system tray. This task can be performed by lots of methods and you can easily customize required one in wide options section. For example you can define hotkey combination for minimizing windows. Also you can activate auto minimization option. It means that the program will minimize all windows that have been inactive certain period of time. The utility detects all running application in your system. You can easily specify unique configuration for any of them. Extra feature of TrayEverything is possibility of hiding windows and protecting them by special password. The program has very friendly interface that consists of one small window with several tabs. The utility includes update mechanism so you can always be sure that you are using the latest version. I think that this application can be really useful for people who deal with serious work projects and have to use many applications at the same time. Simple home users won’t find it indispensable.